Looking Around Montevedo




This is the Mercado del Puerto, or the Port Market. The tower in the right background is the headquarters of the port district. We elected to stay in a hotel in this older historic port area rather than downtown. More about the Mercado later in this section. A two kilometer walk to the center of the downtown begins up that street on the far left. Here we go...





This is Avenida Perez Castillano. It is for pedestrians only. We will head east for several blocks.





Lots of little shops to look at. We are going to turn left at this corner and head two blocks to The Plaza Zaballa.





Entry to the Plaza. Lots of street vendors selling clothing.





Monument inside the Plaza Zaballa.





One block east we pick up another pedestrian street. This is Avenida Sarandi heading north.





Many small shops and restaurants all along this route. Just beyond the church on the left we will reach the Plaza Constitucion.





And here we are. Restaurants on the right, and lots of vendors selling antique stuff.





From the west side, Catedral Metropolitania on the right, and the Supreme Court offices on the far side.





Neat fountain in the center.





The sidewalk restaurants on the left are full of lawyers in business suits taking time out from the courts.





Another half kilometer up Via Sarandi and we come into sight of the Plaza Independencia.





The formal gateway at the end of the street is the Puerta de la Cieudadela. Behind it looms the ungainly looking Palacio Salvo building.





A full view of the Plaza Independencia.





The Plaza contains The Mausoleo de Artigas, the mausoleum housing the remains of Jose Gervasio Artigas, one of the heros of the Uriguayan Independence.





A close look at the statue of Sr. Artigas. Palacio Salvo looms over it all. This building used to be the tallest in South America.





Continuing north beyond the Plaza Independencia on the Avenida 18 de Julio. This is the center of the downtown area.





Three blocks north we come to this Plaza del Entrevero. Nice spot for a light lunch and beer.





Another two blocks north and we arrive at the large Plaza Cagancha. The tall statue on a pedestal is the Columna de la Paz.





A final plaza is this Plaza de los 33.




The Suburbs


The suburb of Punta Carretas has many luxurous condominium buildings for the well to do locals and expats.




Many suburbs are made up of low rise apartment and condo buildings like this. Also typical is the heavy tree coverage, often creating a complete umbrella of green shade over the streets. The beach is only two blocks to the right.




Beyond the higher density suburbs are the neighborhoods made up of single family homes. There are many such areas like this, with very high quality homes and estates.




The Mercado del Puerto


The Mercado del Puerto is where we began our tour. It's worth some attention. First, our hotel is the third building down the street on the left. It is the Hotel DOM, a small botique hotel of excellent quality.




Immediately across the street from the front of our hotel is one of the entrances to the Mercado del Puerte. Lets look inside.




The building is a historic Victorian era cast iron structure. It is enormous. Inside are many restaurants (20 plus) each touting its own barbecue grills for cooking meats. This photo was taken about 11:00 am, before the lunch crowd begain to arrive.




Two hours later it is packed. With seating for nearly 2000 persons in its open restaurants, the din of talk, laughter, and music is amazing. As is the wonderful smell of grilled meats.




Every seat filled. Spectacular smells.




Music everywhere. Don't take photos after consuming a bottle of good wine...



On to Shopping in Montevedeo


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